Homepage of Michael Theusner
Noctilucent Clouds
Noctilucent clouds exist in Summer high up in the mesosphere, at an altitude of 76 to 85 km. They occur when temperature in the mesophere reaches its annual minimum below -120°C. NLCs usually are found in the polar regions, but, also in mid latitudes. When the sun is only slightly below the horizon in summer in mid latitudes, the NLCs are still illuminated by sunlight while it is already dark below. Then they become visible as whispy silvery clouds against the dark night sky. In Hannover, where I took the images, they can usually be seen between early June and late July. Best is the time when the sun is between 8° and 12° below the horizon.
Many cirrus clouds from an approaching front were about and limited view of the NLCs. Shortly after 21:30 UTC the whole display was behind clouds.
Location: Hannover-Badenstedt
Camera: Canon 40D
Lens: 103 mm @ f/3.2
Exposure: 20:59 UTC, 4 sec, ISO 800
Four image panorama.
Location: Lindener Berg / Hannover.
Camera: Canon 40D
Lens: 103 mm @ f/2.8
Exp.: 21:01-21:20 UTC, 5 sec, ISO 800
Time lapse movie (1.5 MB)
I had set my alarm clock to 1 UTC (3 CEST). It woke me up on time and I turned it off. However, it did not get up! At 2:30 UTC I woke up and immediately had a look for NCLs even though it was too late. They must have been fairly bright as some were still visible. They faded shortly afterwards and I went to bed again...
Location: Hannover-Badenstedt
Camera: Canon 40D
Lens: 70 mm @ f/4.0
Exposure: 02:30 UTC, 1 sec, ISO 640
Three image panorama.
After a two day break, there were NLCs faintly visible low in the NNE shortly before 1 UTC. So I decided to go to the Lindener Berg, where there is a nice view across the city. The display developed beautifully and ralmost reached into the zenith, before dawn got to bright. The moon, Venus and Mars added nicely to the scene.
Location: Lindener Berg / Hannover
Camera: Canon 40D
Lens: 47 mm @ f/3.2
Exposure: 01:19 UTC, 5 sec, ISO 800
Five image panorama.
Location: Lindener Berg / Hannover
Camera: Canon 40D
Lens: 46 mm @ f/3.2
Exposure: 01:28 UTC, 4 sec, ISO 800
Five image panorama.
Location: Lindener Berg / Hannover.
Camera: Canon 40D
Lens: 45 mm @ f/3.2
Exp.: 01:32-01:47 UTC, 2.5 sec, ISO 800
Time lapse movie (1.7 MB)
Location: Lindener Berg / Hannover
Camera: Canon 1000D
Lens: 16 mm @ f/4.5
Exposure: 01:44 UTC, 5 sec, ISO 800
Three image panorama.
Location: Lindener Berg / Hannover
Camera: Canon 1000D
Lens: 22 mm @ f/4.5
Exposure: 01:45 UTC, 4 sec, ISO 800
Three image panorama.
Location: Lindener Berg / Hannover
Camera: Canon 1000D
Lens: 36 mm @ f/3.5
Exposure: 01:48 UTC, 1.6 sec, ISO 800
Four image panorama.
Location: Lindener Berg / Hannover.
Camera: Canon 40D
Lens: 28 mm @ f/4.0
Exp.: 01:51-02:03 UTC, 1.3 sec, ISO 800
Time lapse movie (2.2 MB)
Location: Lindener Berg / Hannover
Camera: Canon 1000D
Lens: 22 mm @ f/4.5
Exposure: 01:53 UTC, 2.5 sec, ISO 800
Three image panorama.
Location: Lindener Berg / Hannover.
Camera: Canon 1000D
Lens: 22 mm @ f/4.5
Exp.: 01:55-02:11 UTC, 1.6 sec, ISO 800
Time lapse movie (3.5 MB)
Location: Lindener Berg / Hannover
Camera: Canon 40D
Lens: 17 mm @ f/4.0
Exposure: 02:09 UTC, 2 sec, ISO 400
Five image panorama.
Location: Lindener Berg / Hannover.
Camera: Canon 40D
Lens: 17 mm @ f/4.0
Exp.: 02:13-02:22 UTC, 1 sec, ISO 400
Time lapse movie (1.0 MB)
The evening was very clear and with a friend I went to a field track on the western slopes of the Gehrdener Berg. Michael finally discovered the first NLCs of the evening at about 20:30 UTC. It was a nice structured display which got fairly bright towards the end.
Location: 1.5 km west of Gehrden.
Camera: Canon 40D
Lens: 33 mm @ f/7.1
Exp.: 20:32-20:44 UTC, 1.6 sec, ISO 400
Time lapse movie (0.5 MB)
Location: 1.5 km west of Gehrden.
Camera: Canon 40D
Lens: 33 mm @ f/5.6
Exposure: 20:45 UTC, 2.5 sec, ISO 400
Three image panorama.
Location: 1.5 km west of Gehrden.
Camera: Canon 40D
Lens: 21 mm @ f/3.5
Exp.: 20:50-20:58 UTC, 3.2 sec, ISO 400
Time lapse movie (0.5 MB)
Location: 1.5 km west of Gehrden.
Camera: Canon 1000D
Lens: 70 mm @ f/3.2
Exp.: 20:54-21:01 UTC, 1.3 sec, ISO 400
Time lapse movie (0.6 MB)
Location: 1.5 km west of Gehrden.
Camera: Canon 40D
Lens: 42 mm @ f/3.5
Exposure: 20:59 UTC, 3.2 sec, ISO 400
Four image panorama.
Location: 1.5 km west of Gehrden.
Camera: Canon 40D
Lens: 42 mm @ f/3.5
Exp.: 21:00-21:09 UTC, 2.5 sec, ISO 400
Time lapse movie (0.8 MB)
Location: 1.5 km west of Gehrden.
Camera: Canon 1000D
Lens: 70 mm @ f/3.2
Exp.: 21:04-21:08 UTC, 3.2 sec, ISO 400
Time lapse movie (0.4 MB)
Location: 1.5 km west of Gehrden.
Camera: Canon 40D
Lens: 42 mm @ f/3.5
Exposure: 21:10 UTC, 3.2 sec, ISO 400
Four image panorama.
Location: 1.5 km west of Gehrden.
Camera: Canon 40D
Lens: 55 mm @ f/3.2
Exp.: 21:14-21:26 UTC, 3.2 sec, ISO 400
Time lapse movie (1.2 MB)
Location: 1.5 km west of Gehrden.
Camera: Canon 40D
Lens: 97 mm @ f/3.2
Exposure: 21:30 UTC, 5 sec, ISO 640
Twelve image panorama.
Location: 1.5 km west of Gehrden.
Camera: Canon 40D
Lens: 110 mm @ f/3.2
Exposure: 21:36 UTC, 5 sec, ISO 640
Three image panorama.
Location: 1.5 km west of Gehrden.
Camera: Canon 40D
Lens: 79 mm @ f/3.2
Exp.: 21:37-21:49 UTC, 6 sec, ISO 640
Time lapse movie (1.0 MB)
Location: 1.5 km west of Gehrden.
Camera: Canon 40D
Lens: 146 mm @ f/2.8
Exposure: 21:52 UTC, 6 sec, ISO 640
Three image panorama.
Location: 1.5 km west of Gehrden.
Camera: Canon 40D
Lens: 146 mm @ f/2.8
Exp.: 21:54-21:59 UTC, 6 sec, ISO 640
Time lapse movie (0.5 MB)
Location: 1.5 km west of Gehrden.
Camera: Canon 1000D
Lens: 55 mm @ f/2.8
Exposure: 21:57 UTC, 8 sec, ISO 800
Three image panorama.
The next morning was not much better than the evening - many clouds and, additionally, fog. I drove north to the location near Resse where I had been two days earlier. However, too much fog there. So I headed east on L383 and found a spot with only little fog just after Mellendorf. Still, there were too many clouds. I took a few photos and then went back home. These NLCs were very bright!
Location: Near Mellendorf.
Camera: Canon 40D
Lens: 17 mm @ f/3.2
Exposure: 01:24 UTC, 10 sec, ISO 640
Location: Near Mellendorf.
Camera: Canon 40D
Lens: 47 mm @ f/3.2
Exposure: 01:29 UTC, 8 sec, ISO 640
Three image panorama
After watching Iceage 3 and leaving the cinema I was surprised that a thunderstorm was moving across Hannover. I had expected fairly clear skies instead. So there did not seem to be a chance of watching NLCs. On the way home I could see some breaks in the clouds towards the south west. So I decided to go to my observing location near Gehrden south west of Hannover. On the way there it cleared up a little and I could immediately see NLCs very high in the sky, and some bright ones covering all of the western and south western horizon. So I quickly stopped on a field track near Benthe-Sieben Trappen. It was a beautiful display. However, more clouds moved in from the south west which ended my observations shortly after 21 UTC. Back home I could still see some very bright NLCs in small breaks in the clouds. So I hoped for the next morning.
Location: Near Benthe-Sieben Trappen
Camera: Canon 40D
Lens: 20 mm @ f/4.5
Exposure: 20:37 UTC, 1.3 sec, ISO 400
View west-south west
Location: Near Benthe-Sieben Trappen
Camera: Canon 40D
Lens: 10 mm @ f/4.5
Exp.: 20:39-20:43 UTC, 2 sec, ISO 400
Time lapse movie (0.4 MB)
Location: Near Benthe-Sieben Trappen
Camera: Canon 40D
Lens: 8 mm @ f/5.6
Exposure: 20:45 UTC, 4 sec, ISO 400
The ISS crosing the field of view.
Location: Near Benthe-Sieben Trappen
Camera: Canon 40D
Lens: 10 mm @ f/4.0
Exposure: 20:49 UTC, 2.5 sec, ISO 400
View north
Location: Near Benthe-Sieben Trappen
Camera: Canon 40D
Lens: 24 mm @ f/4.0
Exposure: 20:52 UTC, 3.2 sec, ISO 400
View north
Location: Near Benthe-Sieben Trappen
Camera: Canon 40D
Lens: 55 mm @ f/4.0
Exposure: 20:53 UTC, 3.2 sec, ISO 400
View north
Location: Near Benthe-Sieben Trappen
Camera: Canon 40D
Lens: 17 mm @ f/4.0
Exposure: 20:54 UTC, 3.2 sec, ISO 400
View north
Location: Near Benthe-Sieben Trappen
Camera: Canon 40D
Lens: 24 mm @ f/4.0
Exp.: 20:56-21:00 UTC, 3.2 sec, ISO 400
Time lapse movie (0.7 MB)
Location: Near Benthe-Sieben Trappen
Camera: Canon 40D
Lens: 135 mm @ f/4.0
Exposure: 20:53 UTC, 1.6 sec, ISO 400
View north
After the fantastic NLC display in the morning another one followed in the evening. From my experience the evening before, where trees had blocked the view near the horizon, I decided to go to a field track west of the Gehrdener Berg. From home I had already seen the NLCs. It was a beautifully structured field slowly moving from east to west on the northern horizon. It gradually disappeared as the sun went further below the horizon. Later some more NLCs became visible very low in the north west. DivX codec required for movies.
Location: 1.5 km west of Gehrden
Camera: Canon 40D
Lens: 31 mm @ f/7.1
Exposure: 20:37 UTC, 1.6 sec, ISO 400
Three image panorama
Location: 1.5 km west of Gehrden
Camera: Canon 40D
Lens: 24 mm @ f/7.1
Exp.: 20:38-21:01 UTC, 4 sec, ISO 400
Time lapse movie (1.3 MB)
Location: 1.5 km west of Gehrden
Camera: Canon 1000D
Lens: 22 mm @ f/4.5
Exposure: 20:37 UTC, 3.2 sec, ISO 400
Two image panorama
Location: 1.5 km west of Gehrden
Camera: Canon 1000D
Lens: 83 mm @ f/3.5
Exp.: 20:59-21:10 UTC, 3.2 sec, ISO 400
Time lapse movie (1.4 MB)
Location: 1.5 km west of Gehrden
Camera: Canon 40D
Lens: 45 mm @ f/3.5
Exposure: 21:03 UTC, 2.5 sec, ISO 400
Three image panorama
Location: 1.5 km west of Gehrden
Camera: Canon 40D
Lens: 17 mm @ f/3.5
Exposure: 21:06 UTC, 3.2 sec, ISO 640
Three image panorama
Location: 1.5 km west of Gehrden
Camera: Canon 40D
Lens: 37 mm @ f/3.2
Exp.: 21:08-21:15 UTC, 4 sec, ISO 640
Time lapse movie (0.5 MB)
Location: 1.5 km west of Gehrden
Camera: Canon 1000D
Lens: 126 mm @ f/3.2
Exp.: 21:11-21:21 UTC, 3.2 sec, ISO 400
Time lapse movie (1.3 MB)
Location: 1.5 km west of Gehrden
Camera: Canon 40D
Lens: 55 mm @ f/3.2
Exposure: 21:16 UTC, 4 sec, ISO 640
Four image panorama
After I had returned home from the evening observation, I had a first look at the images. The NLCs had been very bright so I hoped for another nice display in the morning. And I was not disapointed! Already on the way to a dark spot near Resse (north of Hannover), I could see that the NLCs were bright and active again (01:00 UTC). The sky was clear, only some fog was spreading across the meadows and fields, illuminated by the Moon. Above this the beautiful NLCs - what a scene! All in all one of the best displays I have so far observed, especially because of the low fog. After about 01:50 UTC the fog became pretty dense. However, there were still some spots behind some small forests where the sky remained clear. After about 02:30 UTC it became too bright for the NLCs and I went home. DivX codec required for movies.
Location: 3.5 km north of Resse
Camera: Canon 40D
Lens: 70 mm @ f/2.8
Exposure: 01:11 UTC, 4 sec, ISO800
Six image panorama
Location: 3.5 km north of Resse
Camera: Canon 40D
Lens: 70 mm @ f/2.8
Exp.: 01:13-01:32 UTC, 2.5 sec, ISO800
Time lapse movie (1.7 MB)
Location: 3.5 km north of Resse
Camera: Canon 1000D
Lens: 40 mm @ f/3.5
Exposure: 01:30 UTC, 6 sec, ISO800
Six image panorama
Location: 3.5 km north of Resse
Camera: Canon 1000D
Lens: 28 mm @ f/4.5
Exposure: 01:40 UTC, 4 sec, ISO800
Five image panorama
Location: 3.5 km north of Resse
Camera: Canon 40D
Lens: 13 mm @ f/4.0
Exposure: 01:44 UTC, 3.2 sec, ISO800
Four image panorama
Location: 3.5 km north of Resse
Camera: Canon 40D
Lens: 22 mm @ f/4.5
Exposure: 01:49-01:59 UTC, 2.5 sec, ISO400
Time lapse movie (1.2 MB)
Location: 3.5 km north of Resse
Camera: Canon 1000D
Lens: 18 mm @ f/4.5
Exposure: 01:52 UTC, 5 sec, ISO400
Three image panorama
Location: 3.5 km north of Resse
Camera: Canon 1000D
Lens: 17 mm @ f/4.5
Exposure: 01:55 UTC, 5 sec, ISO400
Three image panorama
Location: 3.5 km north of Resse
Camera: Canon 40D
Lens: 12 mm @ f/4.0
Exposure: 02:06 UTC, 1.6 sec, ISO400
Three image panorama
Many clouds were in the sky and is was quite hazy, so I realized too late that NLCs were already visible. I left home shortly after 21 UTC and arived at my chosen location north of Heitlingen (NW of Hannover) only at 21:30. Most of the NLCs had disappeared by then. Some faint ones were visible towards the WNW and many clouds obscured much of the northern horizon. However, when the clouds finally moved away, a beautiful and bright field of NLCs was revealed in the NW (up to 10° elevation). It slowly faded while another field appeared very low in the north (<4° elevation).
Location: Hannover-Heitlingen
Camera: Canon 40D
Lens: 117 mm @ f/3.2
Exposure: 21:58 UTC, 10 sec, ISO640
Five image panorama (az: ca. 305°-343°; elev: ca. 1.2°-8.6°)
Location: Hannover-Heitlingen
Camera: Canon 40D
Lens: 159 mm @ f/3.2
Exposure: 22:02 UTC, 10 sec, ISO640
Five image panorama (az: ca. 311°-339°; elev: ca. 1.2°-6.4°)
A small, bright field of NLC waves visible in the morning towards the NNE. I went to the Lindener Berg to have a better view. However, all that was visible from there I had already seen from home. DivX codec required for movies.
Location: Hannover-Badenstedt
Camera: Canon 40D
Lens: 117 mm @ f/3.2
Exposure: 00:58 UTC, 5 sec, ISO640
Three image panorama
Location: Hannover-Badenstedt
Camera: Canon 1000D
Lens: 70 mm @ f/3.2
Exposure: 01:11 UTC, 8 sec, ISO800
Location: Hannover-Badenstedt
Camera: Canon 1000D
Lens: 70 mm @ f/3.2
Exposure: 01:11-02:10 UTC, 8 - 1/6 sec, ISO800
Time lapse movie (3.9 MB)
Location: Volkssternwarte Hannover / Lindener Berg
Camera: Canon 40D
Lens: 55 mm @ f/3.2
Exposure: 01:23-01:45 UTC, 3.2 sec, ISO640
Time lapse movie (2.8 MB)
A large scale NLC display in the morning. A beautifully structured field of NLCs moved in from the north. However, many clouds were about so that I had to leave home and drive to a better location. Unfortunately, the Klappenburg Bridge across the river Leine was closed so that I had to take a long detour. When I finally arrived in an OK spot near Heitlingen, it was already quite late. I had to relocate again due to clouds and ended up some 3.5 km north of Resse only shortly before 2 UTC. Anyway, the NLC were nice and worth the drive. When I had just got back home it started to rain. So I was pretty lucky in the end. DivX codec required for movies.
Location: Heitlingen near Hannover
Camera: Canon 40D
Lens: 20 mm @ f/4.0
Exposure: 01:48 UTC, 3.2 sec, ISO640
Three image panorama
Location: 3.5 km north of Resse
Camera: Canon 40D
Lens: 17 mm @ f/6.3
Exposure: 01:59 UTC, 2 sec, ISO640
Location: 3.5 km north of Resse
Camera: Canon 40D
Lens: 14 mm @ f/6.3
Exposure: 02:03 UTC, 2.5 sec, ISO640
Three image panorama
Fantastic NLC display in the morning. A bright and beautifully structured field of NLCs moved in from the northeast. Observation from 00:45 to 02:35 UTC, until dawn became too bright. As an addition purple light was visible around 02:45 UTC originating from volcanic ash. Sarychev Peak had erupted mid June in the Kuril Islands. DivX codec required for movies.
Location: Hannover-Badenstedt
Camera: Canon 40D
Lens: 48 mm @ f/4.0
Exposure: 01:07 UTC, 5 sec, ISO640
Three image panorama
Location: Hannover-Badenstedt
Camera: Canon 1000D
Lens: 22 mm @ f/4.5
Exposure: 01:20 UTC, 5 sec, ISO800
Location: Hannover-Badenstedt
Camera: Canon 40D
Lens: 48 mm @ f/4.0
Exposure: 01:21 UTC, 5 sec, ISO640
Location: Volkssternwarte Hannover / Lindener Berg
Camera: Canon 40D
Lens: 17 mm @ f/4.0
Exposure: 01:38 UTC, 1.6 sec, ISO640
Three image panorama
Location: Volkssternwarte Hannover / Lindener Berg
Camera: Canon 40D
Lens: 17 mm @ f/4.0
Exposure: 01:55 UTC, 0.8 sec, ISO640
Six image panorama
Location: Hannover-Badenstedt
Camera: Canon 40D
Lens: 40 mm @ f/4.0
Exposure: 01:10-01:26 UTC, 2.5 sec, ISO640
Time lapse movie (1.7 MB)
Location: Hannover-Badenstedt
Camera: Canon 1000D
Lens: 22 mm @ f/4.5
Exposure: 01:15-02:42 UTC, 5-1/100 sec, ISO800
Time lapse movie (12.1 MB)
Location: Hannover-Badenstedt
Camera: Canon 1000D
Lens: 22 mm @ f/4.5
Exposure: 01:15-02:02 UTC, 5-0.5 sec, ISO800
Pseudo satellite time lapse movie (6.7 MB)
Some faint NLC were visible in the evening. Later some beautifull wave structures appeared very close to the horizon towards the north east. Haze illuminated by the bright city lights impeded observation. Therefore, I decided too late to go somewhere north of the city. I found a nice spot near Heitlingen where the NLCs were nicely visible. However, the bright wave field quickly faded and I was already about to leave when I noticed spme very faint NLCs higher above the horizon. And the higer the sun rose the more it became clear that this faint veil covered the whole sky! A bit after 2 UTC the last NLCs faded from view. DivX codec required for movies.
Location: Hannover-Badenstedt
Camera: Canon 40D
Lens: 70 mm @ f/5.0
Exposure: 22:15 UTC, 15 sec, ISO640
The not so impressive evening display. Four image panorama.
Location: Hannover-Badenstedt
Camera: Canon 40D
Lens: 200 mm @ f/5.0
Exposure: 22:22-23:02 UTC, 15 sec, ISO640
Time lapse movie of the beautiful waves.
Location: Hannover-Heitlingen
Camera: Canon 40D
Lens: 70 mm @ f/4.0
Exposure: 00:39 UTC, 15 sec, ISO640
Three image panorama.
Location: Hannover-Heitlingen
Camera: Canon 40D
Lens: 31 mm @ f/5.0
Exposure: 01:15 UTC, 4 sec, ISO640
The faint NLCs appear. Three image panorama.
Location: Hannover-Heitlingen
Camera: Canon 40D
Lens: 31 mm @ f/5.0
Exposure: 01:17-01:22 UTC, 4 sec, ISO640
Time lapse movie.
Location: Hannover-Heitlingen
Camera: Canon 40D
Lens: 31 mm @ f/5.0
Exposure: 01:23 UTC, 3.2 sec, ISO640
More of the faint NLCs becomes visible. Five image panorama.
Location: Hannover-Heitlingen
Camera: Canon 40D
Lens: 17 mm @ f/5.6
Exposure: 01:40 UTC, 2.5 sec, ISO640
Two image wide angle panorama.
A fantastic event in the eveing. A bright and beautifully structured field of NLCs moved in from the north. Observation from 20:45 to 22:00 UTC, until the sun was too far below the horizon. DivX codec required for movies.
Location: Hannover-Badenstedt
A first suspicion, soon confirmed.
Camera: Canon 40D
Lens: 28 mm @ f/5.0
Exposure: 20:45 UTC, 1/8 sec, ISO640
Location: Hannover-Badenstedt
Camera: Canon 40D
Lens: 17 mm @ f/5.0
Exposure: 20:50 UTC, 0.4 sec, ISO640
Location: Hannover-Badenstedt
Camera: Canon 40D
Lens: 17 mm @ f/5.0
Exposure: 21:02 UTC, 0.6 sec, ISO640
Location: Hannover-Badenstedt
Camera: Canon 40D
Lens: 28 mm @ f/5.0
Exposure: 21:21 UTC, 2 sec, ISO640
Location: Hannover-Badenstedt
Camera: Canon 40D
Lens: 97 mm @ f/4.5
Exposure: 21:25 UTC, 1 sec, ISO800
Location: Hannover-Badenstedt
Camera: Canon 40D
Lens: 97 mm @ f/4.5
Exposure: 21:39 UTC, 2 sec, ISO800
Mosaic of four images
Location: Hannover-Badenstedt
Camera: Canon 40D
Lens: 40 mm @ f/5.0
Exposure: 21:44 UTC, 8 sec, ISO640
Very faint event in the morning. Observation from 00:40 to 01:00 UTC, when the NLC disappeared in the light of dawn. DivX codec required for movies.
Location: Hannover-Badenstedt
NLC below 4° altitude at azimuth 10° to 19°.
Camera: Canon 40D
Lens: 70 mm @ f/5.0
Exposure: 00:44 UTC, 13 sec, ISO640
A nice event in the evening, partly obscured by clouds, unfortunately. DivX codec required for movies.
Location: Hannover-Badenstedt
Camera: Canon 40D
Lens: 17 mm @ f/4.0
Exposure: 21:05 UTC, 1 sec, ISO640
Two image panorama.
Location: Hannover-Badenstedt
Camera: Canon 40D
Lens: 17 mm @ f/5.0
Exposure: 21:08-21:18 UTC, 3.2 sec, ISO640
Time lapse movie, dt = 15 sec
Location: Hannover-Badenstedt
Camera: Canon 10D
Lens: 70 mm @ f/4.5
Exposure: 21:14-21:28 UTC, 4 sec, ISO800
Time lapse movie, dt = 15 sec
Location: Hannover-Badenstedt
Camera: Canon 40D
Lens: 28 mm @ f/5.0
Exposure: 21:21-21:29 UTC, 6 sec, ISO640
Time lapse movie, dt = 15 sec
Location: Hannover-Badenstedt
Camera: Canon 40D
Lens: 37 mm @ f/5.0
Exposure: 21:31-21:39 UTC, 8 sec, ISO640
Time lapse movie, dt = 15 sec
A beautiful event in the evening. Clouds prevailed during the first part of the observation, but, it cleared up later. DivX codec required for movies.
Location: Hannover-Badenstedt
Camera: Canon 40D
Lens: 55 mm @ f/5.0
Exposure: 21:24 UTC, 5 sec, ISO640
First sighting.
Location: Hannover-Badenstedt
Camera: Canon 40D
Lens: 43 mm @ f/5.0
Exposure: 21:25-21:50 UTC, 5 sec, ISO640
Time lapse movie, dt = 20 sec
Location: Hannover-Badenstedt
Camera: Canon 10D
Lens: 70 mm @ f/5.6
Exposure: 21:41-22:00 UTC, 10 sec, ISO400
Time lapse movie, dt = 15 sec
Location: Hannover-Badenstedt
Camera: Canon 40D
Lens: 159 mm @ f/2.8
Exposure: 22:27 UTC, 5 sec, ISO640
Beautiful waves.
Location: Hannover-Badenstedt
Camera: Canon 40D
Lens: 159 mm @ f/2.8
Exposure: 22:28-23:02 UTC, 5 sec, ISO640
Time lapse movie, dt = 12 sec
Pseudo satellite movie
Reprojection of ground based images
Camera: Canon 40D
Lens: 159 mm @ f/2.8
Exposure: 22:28-23:02 UTC, 5 sec, ISO640
A beautiful and bright event in the evening. Observation from 20:45 to 21:40 UT, ended when clouds moved in. DivX codec required for movies.
Pseudo satellite time lapse movie
Reprojection of ground based image
Camera: Canon 40D
Lens: 28 mm @ f/6.3
Exposure: 21:00-21:22 UT , 2 sec, ISO640
Pseudo satellite image
Reprojection of ground based image
Camera: Canon 40D
Lens: 28 mm @ f/6.3
Exposure: 21:13 UT , 2 sec, ISO640
Location: Hannover-Badenstedt
Camera: Canon 40D
Lens: 28 mm @ f/6.3
Exposure: 21:00-21:22 UT , 2 sec, ISO640
Time lapse movie, dt = 10 sec
A relatively faint event in the morning, but reaching an altitude of 60° when the sky became too bright. Observation from 00:50 to 01:50 UT. The second event observed this season. The first was on 09 June in the evening on the way from Boye to Hannover around 21:30 UT (no images).
Location: Hannover-Badenstedt
Camera: Canon 40D
Lens: 33 mm @ f/5.6
Exposure: 01:21-01:31 UT , 4 sec, ISO640
Time lapse movie, dt = 15 sec